One advantage is that the CPU use and associated power consumption may be lower with a hardware implemented DSP. There can be significant advantages to implement audio processing in purpose built hardware vs. However, the technology is symmetric and works essentially in reverse for input devices.Ī hardware digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized microprocessor (or a SIP block), with its architecture optimized for the operational needs of digital signal processing. Note The descriptions and terminology in this documentation refers mostly to output devices, such as speakers. APOs are COM-based, real-time, in-process objects. This capability is known informally as an 'audio effect.' Examples of APOs include graphic equalizers, reverb, tremolo, Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) and Automatic Gain Control (AGC). An APO is a COM host object that contains an algorithm that is written to provide a specific Digital Signal Processing (DSP) effect.
These effects are packaged as user-mode system effect Audio Processing Objects (APOs).Īudio processing objects (APOs), provide software based digital signal processing for Windows audio streams. Windows allows OEMs and third-party audio hardware manufacturers to include custom digital signal processing effects as part of their audio driver's value-added features. Audio processing objects (APOs), provide customizable software based digital signal processing for Windows audio streams.